Monday, July 8, 2013

Day trip to Cameron Highland

One Saturday we went for a day trip to Cameron Highland. It has been years since we went. The road is so winding. I would not go again for a very long time.

Happy to be out from the car

 This was our first stop. We are just feeling so happy to reach the top and we stop for snack. No wonder so many people here because this is the first stop.

 We ordered some strawberry ice cream and strudels.

 Happy Amber eating strawberry ice cream. It's not cold at all. Luckily Amber is wearing sleeveless

 Of course Cameron is full with beautiful flowers. Their strawberries are cheap too.

Our view while having steamboat for late lunch.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Amber's first birthday

 On Saturday we celebrated Amber's birthday, her actual birthday is on 10 July. Amber is one happy girl on that day. She was so happy going around playing with all the older kids. She is the youngest one there. She was so tired till she fell asleep while drinking her milk.

 Kids playing with wii

Cake cutting. Luckily Amber was not afraid when everyone sang happy birthday song. She was smiling.

 Amber with her present. Ipoh grandma gave her a big red car.

She has been playing with her car non stop for 2 days straight till i put it in the store room. She is one lucky girl.